“Jersey Girl” (Feat. King Dev) by Super Saiyan Jay

Super Saiyan Jay’s new single, “Jersey Girl,” (Aug. 9), featuring King Dev, is the musical equivalent to driving your car during a hot summer day with the windows open. An ode to Jersey girls, Jay exudes positive vibes through the track. Whether it is his “sunny” beats, or the celebratory nature of his lyrics, “Jersey Girl” pays homage to beautiful women all over.

Floating through the bass note pulse, Jay’s vocals cut through with unmistakable confidence, suaveness, and the technical efficiency of an accomplished rapper. The eponymous EP containing the single is a collaborative effort between Super Saiyan Jay & King Dev, recorded in Jay’s home of West Palm Beach, Florida. Each track on the EP approaches the rap and hip-hop genres at different angles, giving the listener something fresh.

The EP, when listened to as a whole, tells the story of a possible fatal attraction and the risks of falling too quickly in lust; attraction can be skin-deep, but it shouldn’t be. The track, “Beautiful Soul,” is about the deeper aspects of attraction and a testament to the power of meaningful love. 

The first part of “Jersey Girl” paints a picture of the more fleeting side of love, but as the song progresses, Super Saiyan Jay’s rougher exterior softens, and he proves to be more of a romantic than the energy of the song may suggest at first.

So far, Jay’s musical journey, while consistent within his genre, is also diverse as well as optimistic. Here is an artist who is not afraid to grow and speak his truth.

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