
“What Secrets Lie Ahead“ by Matthew Hayes Jacobs

“What Secrets Lie Ahead” by Matthew Hayes Jacobs offers a beautiful perspective on the unknowable paths that the future holds. It is common to look ahead and feel afraid at the uncertainty of life, but instead of viewing the mysteries of the future with apprehension, Jacobs approaches them with curiosity. The details of the future have just as much potential to be good as they do bad, so why not be hopeful that good things are coming your way? Or at the very least, not assume that the future holds negativity. 

Pretty guitar picking and unique instrumentation, like wind instruments and the tabla, a percussion instrument originating in India, create an innovative sonic landscape that feels vulnerable and mystical. Jacobs’ artistry is on display with these kinds of decisions, showing the care and attention to detail he uses to make the listener feel the meaning of the song not just through lyrics, but with the production as well. 

A raw vocal performance heightens the wonder present in this song beautifully, shining across free flowing melodies and a somewhat unpredictable arrangement. The fluid nature of the song lets the listener discover and be surprised by the secrets waiting for us in the details of the song, much like Jacobs is waiting for the secrets in life that lie ahead of him. The theme of the song can be summed up with the question “what comes next in this life of mystery?” The question is devoid of fear or rose colored expectations, instead acknowledging with calm curiosity the unknowable temperament of life.


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