“Howling at the Moon“ by The Rotor Delta

“Howling at the moon” by The Rotor Delta is a beautiful and expressive song that uses fluid piano and atmospheric vocals to immerse the listener in a sonic nighttime. Elements of folk style storytelling, along with a blend of indie rock production, shows The Rotor Delta’s ability to merge details from different genres, add in his own flare, and create something fresh.

The Rotor Delta encourages listeners to tighten their resolve and cultivate hope in the face of hard times. Even when “shadows rise too soon” and it feels like you are overwhelmed by “wounds that scar,” he sings that he will be “living for the thrill tonight, howling at the moon.” This is an inspiring and important sentiment, yet one that is always hard to remember. When dealing with difficult times, such as grief or failed relationships, it is easy to let the shadows overwhelm you, and to give in to the despair that tells you to give up. But The Rotor Delta refuses to accept that a current dark time means a permanent dark time, and looks to find joyful moments during those times that will be enough to sustain him until his luck takes a turn. 

The gorgeous melodies of the piano offer a rising hope, and the intimate, echoing vocal performance adds a certain layer of magic to the track. An electric guitar solo towards the end of the song really takes the emotion to the next level, a final beacon of positivity representing the light on the horizon.



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