“Boys Club“ by Jules & the Howl

Boys Club” is immediate. Opening with full force, the Jules & the Howl doesn’t hold back from indulging audiences in its fierce and booming soundscape. Like a sonic bomb that’s dropped in the crowd, the effect is infectious and instant.

There’s simply no doubt that “Boys Club” is a banger. With Jules’ versatile and raw vocal that draws similarities to Lady Gaga and a full volume backed by rock guitars, the song takes the message of dissembling patriarchy to the next level.

“Boys Club” is high energy and cathartic. Sonically, every single element of the song embraces what it needs and desires to be and manages to deliver more. There’s power in that sonic liberation, and most notably, Jules’ vocal shines brightly while being well supported by the elements. She’s not fighting alone, but uplifted by the resonances she created that ring among the instruments.

From beginning to end, the glam-rock artist weaves her Chicago roots with the rawness and authenticity she absorbed from the LA music scene. “Boys Club” is about freedom, respect, and the vision of a world without borders that seek to define and box people in. The collaborative entry from Jules and producer Rev. Tom Chandler amplifies the relentlessness and banger energy of her hit, “Boys Club.” On top of that, the new song further modern and classic elements of rock seamlessly with a unique sonic palette that’s cool and flaming dark, cold and metallic, freeing and contagious. “Boys Club” feels more like an art exhibition in your ears.



