“America“ by Dave Clark

“America” by Dave Clark is a poignant and heavy look into the culture of the United States. The folk style storytelling and acoustic instrumentation draws the listener in and doesn’t let them go until the message of the track has sunk in. Clark tells this story through someone else’s eyes, taking on the perspective of someone who has traveled to America hoping for a better life, but ultimately only finds pain and suffering with no help from the supposed land of the free. 

Though the United States is often hailed as one of the best and most progressive countries in the world, there are certainly a lot of pitfalls. The recent culture of America has become very divisive and uncertain, and Clark draws on that tension to craft this compelling story. The lyrics move from hopeful statements like “I came to America to find a life to call my own” to darker descriptions about what the narrator actually ended up with, like “I’ve got no hope and a cardboard home.” It seems the narrator gets hurt on the job, but is not offered support or healthcare from his employer, and must turn to pain relief with pills that eventually become an addiction. The most heartbreaking line of the track sings “I only tried to chase a dream.” 

This is an unfortunate story, and one that happens every day in real life. Clark aims to express empathy for the people who live these stories, and imbue the listener with an awareness that the dream of America may more often than not be an illusion.





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