“Everest” by Water Street

“Everest” by Water Street, an indie rock band with roots in New Jersey, is an impactful and captivating song, gripping the listener from the very first note. This track looks into the perspectives of someone who feels trapped within their own life, but also doesn’t realize they have to do the work to get out. It’s a relatable sentiment that will have you looking inward, wondering if the things you want to change about your life are really as out of your control as you believe. 

The track opens with a slow build, starting with bass and adding in piano, acoustic guitars, and grungy electrics that all move around the same riff. This builds tension and gives the song ear candy as that ear worm riff comes back stronger each time it plays. The poignant narrative of this track is split between the verses and choruses. In the verses, the narrator is complaining about feeling stuck, asking “does it matter anymore?” In the chorus, though, we see that he is only stuck because of his mindset. He sings “I don’t wanna live in fragments,” but feels that creating change in his life is like “climbing Everest.” 

Chasing what we want, or upending our comfort in the pursuit of something better, can truly feel like an impossible summit. But, each of us must realize holding ourselves back more often than not leads to regret. Lilting saxophone and an invigorating electric guitar solo lead the listener up the summit, bringing them to the crest with dense instrumentation and an emotional arrangement.



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