“stills” by Ambergrove is a compelling indie pop track that provides a riveting sonic landscape and a poignant narrative. This track is the lead single from Ambergrove’s debut album that is releasing later this year. The album “I Love You As A Bright Horizon” will be full of introspective and innovative tracks, and “stills” serves as the perfect introduction to Ambergrove’s sound, getting you excited for more songs to come. Ambergrove is a collaborative project that uses many hands to craft their songs, and this allows for them to subvert genres and provide arrangements that you can’t find anywhere else.
Dry, heavy drums instantly grab your attention in “stills,” as subtle guitars shimmer through the beginning of the song. Throughout the track, unique sonic textures slide across the arrangement, and unexpected instrumentation comes in and out for satisfying moments of ear candy. The eclectic composition and surprising sounds demonstrates Ambergrove’s unique ability to experiment- and do it well. They are not afraid to blend genres, modulate vocals, or throw in unexpected elements.
Lines like “I want to run and hide” and “setting the world on fire” show the tumultuous nature of the narrator’s feelings as he tries to accept life for what it is, and balance the good and bad. The fiddle solo after the second chorus is a particularly immersive element in the track that introduces an unexpected folk feel to the song, perfectly matching the wandering wonder of the track. The fiddle continues as the rest of the instrumentation ends, weaving across the song with an emotional finality.
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