“Don’t Make Me Laugh” by Chayne is a grooving indie pop track that grips the listener from start to finish. Chayne, a seventeen-year-old musician who is making waves in the pop scene, blends a grungy indie style with earworm pop melodies in this track about the more cynical side of love. Based in London, England, with roots in France as well, Chayne’s unique sense of artistry shines with this riveting, attitude-filled track.
We all know those kinds of people who are willing to manipulate others to get what they want. Whether it’s a friendship, romance, or business relationship, sometimes people are willing to give fake compliments and empty promises in order to get something in return. The person Chayne sings about is showering her with compliments and smiles, but she can’t see right through it, singing “what you feel and what you say, ain’t never quite the same anyway.”
Thrumming bass, melodic electric guitars, and an invigorating rhythm carry the listener through the song, offering a dynamic sonic journey through a one of a kind atmosphere. Playful ear candy, such as the giggle after the tag line “please don’t make me laugh,” add a lightness to the track that makes the situation seem easier to handle. It can hurt to realize someone isn’t being genuine with you, but Chayne knows her worth and what she deserves, and therefore is able to let it just roll off her back. This uplifting perspective helps inspire a confidence in the listener to not accept anything less than real love.
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