
“The Garden” by WKTD

Bedfordshire, UK-based indie rock outfit WKTD has turned heads throughout the year with their string of releases to support of their debut. While their tenure as a project might be brief so far, their tonal identity has been clearly defined from the get go and their fans can’t help but notice. Their work plays as meticulously crafted but never tedious, as it reflects the creative expression poured into the process while still remaining tastefully accessible. Their latest EP “The Garden” goes great distances toward fortifying their musical legacy. Anchored by the record’s titular track, they deliver an undeniable hit through the feelings it cultivates. 

A series of embellished and optimistic strings play in an upbeat manner to kickstart the piece. Quickly establishing the mood, frontman Jay Winn’s vocals appear shortly into the track to begin the narrative with a smooth and flowing delivery. While Winn’s demeanor is collected and centered throughout the introduction, his energy quickly picks up and drives the single’s emotional arch.

In terms of musicality, the single proves to be genuinely euphonious and gripping throughout and stays true to the genre. Rhythmically sensible and emotionally provocative, we feel a genuine story being told as the music progresses and changes tone alongside the lyrics as the artists take listeners on an emotional journey, raising our heart rates and expectations with every verse. 

Having defined their sound so well so early in their time together, fans can only wait with anticipation to see what will come next from these young artists’ musical minds.

Written by Nick Gumas





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