“Our Brilliant Destruction” by The Sea At Midnight is a thought-provoking and poignant track about the steadily increasing temperatures of the Earth that are causing our communities to burn. A band with a philanthropic mission, much of The Sea At Midnight’s music tackles topics relevant to climate change, and “Our Brilliant Destruction” is their latest call to action, imploring the listener to examine the state of the world and realize that it will only get worse if nothing is done. This track is particularly relevant right now, released just over a week after the Los Angeles wildfires began, exploding out of control and destroying many communities. The Sea At Midnight has pledged to donate all proceeds from this song to the victims of the LA fires, and you can contribute through their Bandcamp.
Lyrics like “sparks and ashes are all that’s left, the smoke hides the pain of all that remains” are unfortunately all too true for anyone who has been affected by fires. Entire neighborhoods can be reduced to rubble, with nothing but memories being able to prove there was ever anything but ash. Unrelenting drums, subtle, melancholy strings, and guitars that provide both melody and rhythm build the spine of this track. This steady, emotional backdrop allows the impassioned vocal to shine, helping the distraught lyrics really hit home.
A grungy instrumental outro with an electric solo and rippling toms fills increases the tension and chaos to match the uncontrollable effects of climate change. Though the real life impacts of climate change often seem impersonal to us, the LA fires are yet another reminder of natural disasters continuing to worsen.
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