“When Lightning Strikes” by SPIES

“When Lighting Strikes” is a high energy rock tune by SPIES, an innovative pop punk duo that seamlessly blends genres to create fresh sounds. This track hooks you from the first beat, with uptempo drums hitting hard and mesmerizing electric guitars providing an ear candy lead melody. The impassioned vocal performance takes the song to the next level, providing the track with a level of angst and emotion that is immensely satisfying. SPIES offers a cathartic track for anyone who has been through a tumultuous relationship that felt like a lightning strike on their life. 

Based on the chaotic arrangement and rage-tinted vocal, it is immediately clear that “When Lighting Strikes” is about working through some frustrating emotions. A line towards the beginning of the song says “let’s strike a match and burn it down tonight,” hoping for the sweet release of starting over. Chugging guitar chords, heavy drums, and the dense arrangements mirror the unpredictable arrival of a lighting strike, and the quick tempo matches the short lifespan (yet long impact) of the strike. Invigorating drum fills ripple through the chorus as the belted vocal leads us across catchy melodies and vulnerable lyrics.

The line ““it won’t strike twice, the moment’s come and gone, now it’s too late, but I’m ok” is a particularly impactful moment in the song. It acknowledges the fleeting nature of this relationship, and how there’s some pain and regret because of it. But, at the same time, offers hope in the knowledge that this will pass and it will be okay.





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