Q: “It’s You” is a moving folk rock song with themes of community. Walk us through the creative process of making this song.
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: It was written at a time when I read lots of really devastating news. At the same time a lot of heavy stuff was happening in my own life. I needed to write a song about hope. So I sat down and thought about what I love the most in life. I came to the conclusion that it is you, all of you, all my family and friends and the ones I even do not know. Love is people, people are love.
Q: Did any real-life events occur in your life that inspired the song?does this song affect you emotionally and mentally?
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: Life happens all the time, but not always in chronological order, I believe. My mother passed sometime after the song was finished, I think that had something to do with how I came up with the lyrics. She was, and still is, an inspiration for me to make music.
Q: Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: When I discovered that what I write sometimes makes a real impact on the listener. First time that happened was in 2022. I’ve played in several other bands the last 25 years, but it wasn’t until recently it really hit me.
Q: Who would you most like to collaborate with, if it could be anyone in the world?
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: That’s a tough one…but I think I would have to go for Paul Simon, to me he’s the master of all kinds of music. He can make anything sound great.
Q: In your own words, how would you describe the music that you typically create?
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: Passion, is the keyword. I never make good music when I’m feeling mildly melancholic or a little bit happy. It’s when I feel like the whole world is in love and the energy in the air is visible that I come up with the best ideas. Or when I feel the opposite way, -those moods can reach both ends, in the making of one song. In short terms: I would describe my music as passionate.
Q: What is coming up next for you?
THOMAS & THE ANGRY HEARTS: Our boutique record company, Southbound Records, is working with agents in the UK and GSA. When they feel the passion they will book us for lots of gigs in those countries. I hope.
Interviewed by Taylor Berry