Native of Cemaes Bay, Wales, Una Raye, has wasted little time in proving their musical merit since emerging onto the scene a short time ago. Hitting the ground running with the release of their Freshman album “Indoctrination,” they have shown their proclivities for stylistic innovation in spades both in terms of their musicality and lyrical pensive overtones. The titular track off the record shines through as a marque example of the artist’s talents as they offering a poignant take on systematic inequality and skewed societal priorities.
The piece starts with a series of lightly plucked strings playing in tandem that quickly set the mood for the music to come. Raye’s vocals quickly appear with a breathy yet resonant tambour to begin the narrative with the opening line “Its a Monday morning and I’m supposed to care about a nation. But Friday was payday and its all spent. Oh how we spoil the royal.” From the first moments of the track, we feel transported to the world of the artist’s music and feel an acute sense of motivation to digest their message.
Lyrically architected by artist Lindsay Walker, the lyrics read like poetry as they come from Raye’s mouth. Boldly introspective and refreshingly inspired, they serve as a reminder to examine the circumstances around us and hold ourselves to a higher standard than the status quoe. Submitted not only in consideration of the world presented to us, but as a call to action to reexamine our own complicity within it, we feel a sense of motivation to take action and question our current existential condition.
Written by Nick Gumas