Artist Interview: “Unlike You” by LMLM

Q: I love the message in “Unlike You”, what was your creative process in making it?

LMLM: It usually takes me few weeks to write a song, and it took me only 3 hours to write « Unlike You ». I saw a video on TikTok, from a guitarist called Ruben Wan, playing a cool riff on his guitar and I thought « Let’s sample this and see what will happen ».
Most of the time, I hope people will like my music, and for this one I was like « I don’t care » at first, and then I started to be anxious again, like I usually am, and that’s why the last chorus of the song is different from the others.


Q: What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

LMLM: When I had an asthma attack, because we shot it in a small parisian flat full of dust, and because my old and good friend Amaury Deque, the director, asked me to sing the song twice as fast, in order to make slow-motion shots we never used. Sorry, did you say “favorite moment” ?


Q: Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?

LMLM: As long as I remember, I always wanted to be a musician, and my whole life turns around that goal. It’s an old obsession that is fucking my mind up. Sometimes I really want to give up on that dream, but I can’t help myself to try and make music. It gives me hope and anxiety at the same time. Why the fuck am I doing this to myself ? Ask my therapist.


Q: How was the process of writing “We Are Screwed” and what are your musical influences?

LMLM: I started to wrote “We Are Screwed” one year ago, at the beginning of the covid crisis. I followed my mood during all the process. I was angry when I wrote “Hate U All”, at my lowest for “Doin Our Best” and anxious but deeply in love for “In The Oven”. I wrote more than 20 songs during that year, and I think I kept the best 6 for the EP.
My musical influences are large: from The Beatles to Billie Eilish, through Radiohead, Mac Miller, Nirvana or even Metal music. I listen to a lot of music, and that’s why I wrote the song “Don’t You Dare Disrespect Billie Eilish”. It’s a declaration of love to all the artists who inspire me everyday.


Q: What is coming up next for you?

LMLM: I’m working with indie producers to make new songs. I spent too much time alone working on my songs, and that why I asked some friends, or people I met on social media, to help me making beats so I can sing on them. New songs are coming very soon, and I’m so happy because they’re very good !

Q: What would you like to tell your supporters out there?

LMLM: Thank you so much, thanks for your support, thanks for all the sweet DMs some of you sent me. I really need that because it’s hard not to lose self-confidence when you make indie music no one cares about.
Don’t forget to be empathic, and to listen people who are different from you, especially if they want to explain why they’re discriminated.

Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich





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