“Waitlisted” by Emmrose

New York singer Emmrose deserves a standing ovation—the singer has moxie! Emmrose took her devastation of being waitlisted by a songwriting program and turned it into a hit, her latest upbeat single, “Waitlisted.”

The funky instrumentals and relatable lyrics make the song easy to dance to and relate to. Much appreciation for her transparent lyrics because they bring life to her music along with Emmrose’s alluring vocals. Although being waitlisted can bring a spirit down, the song is so empowering—Emmrose did not hold back on speaking the truth about what it feels like to be waitlisted with lyrics like, “Gonna take their sweet time determining to tell me I’m good, but I’m not good for them.”

“Waitlisted” favors the style of Dua Lipa, and the chorus, in a way, resembles Paramore’s “Hard Times.” Still, such a fantastic song! Hats off to the spunky Emmrose for creating the perfect summer tune that many college students who lost a lot of their confidence due to being waitlisted can listen to and instantly feel better knowing they aren’t alone.

According to Emmrose, “Waitlisted” was painful for her to write and listen to because of the damage it did to her confidence with her music and talents, causing her to think she probably wasn’t good enough. One thing we can all agree on is that it’s their loss for missing out on an incredible artist like the beautiful Emmrose.

FYI, the marvelous Emmrose was accepted into another school that was a way better fit for her.

Written by Taylor Berry