
“To Be Free” by Roos Meijer

Photo Credit: Philine van den Hul

How many changemakers does one ever have a real chance to sit down and talk to in their lifetime? A deep, insightful conversation with people dedicated to making an impact with the time they have on this earth. While not everyone comes into contact with these types of movers and social shakers, Roos Meijer has. The Netherlands-based singer-songwriter went so far as to base an entire album around these changemakers’ chats for her album, ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’ with the single, “To Be Free” representing one of the eight.

“To Be Free” was inspired by the back and forth Roos Meijer had with Child Houses’ founder Alaeddin Janid. Child Houses provides Syrian orphans with the help they need to find a stable home life, and in their conversation, Alaeddin revealed that many of the children often have to learn what it means to be kids again as they weren’t given a chance to be carefree due to unfortunate circumstances. It was that idea that started to get the wheels turning in Meijer’s head for “To Be Free.” A beautiful, ethereal song, it captures the innocence these children lost and the yearning they must feel to break out of somber realities. 

This is one of eight songs on the album in which Roos Meijer channeled a changemaker’s work. She also spoke to those focused on climate change, racism, homelessness, and other social issues many in power are continuing to avoid and ignore. All of those conversation-inspired songs can be found on ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’ and “To Be Free can be found streaming on all major music platforms now. 

Written by Kendra Beltran