
“I Wish The World Would Sing” by Emerald Sunday

NOTHING will get you in the holiday spirit more than the Uk-based band Emerald Sunday and their nostalgic Christmas single “I Wish The World Would Sing,” which is what the world needs right now. 

Every aspect of this song makes it so unique! The driving melodic guitars, incredible guitar solo, energetic percussion, refreshing vocal harmonies all contribute to the song being packed with holiday cheer. But the fascinating thing about the track is that it’s nostalgic — it takes you back to the ’80s. I love it when musicians make nostalgic music for the younger generation to hear what it sounded like years before them.

The cherry on top would have to be the fantastic vocals — the lead vocalist Mike Martin does not fail to impress with his voice. 

If you haven’t noticed, the song is about spending the most beautiful time of the year with the people you love. And it’s so sweet of the UK band to want to spread cheer to the world through their music. 

If you love “I Wish The World Would Sing” as much as I did, you can listen to it on all music streaming platforms to play while you engage in holiday activities with your family and friends. Thank you, Emerald Sunday, for this particular song that you’ve gifted us, and we are excited about your future releases. 

Happy holidays, everyone, and a Happy New Year! From the Rising Artists family to yours!

Written by Taylor Berry

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