
“Someone To Forget” by Pariz

Pariz is a twenty two year old music producer based in Ft. Worth, TX. He loves to make music and takes elements from his favorite genres and artists then combines them together to make his own sound and unique style. He also makes anything that has a hint of electronic/dance music in it, while making it his own.

“Someone To Forget” is a future bass track from the Texas producer, the song may not start with heavy bass but you won’t be disappointed when you get about one minute in. Pariz does an amazing job at letting the track get you really hyper then bringing in back down to a calm level so you prepare for the next minute.

According to Pariz “Someone To Forget” tells the story about how you want to be with someone and how much you’ve sacrificed for them and after all you’ve been through with that person, good or bad, you should never lose faith in yourself. There’s a moment in mostly everyone’s life when they feel like they should give up on themselves

When listening to “Someone To Forget” you almost get this nostalgic feeling, he does an excellent job at making you feel like you’ve traveled somewhere, yet you are still in the present. This is the kind of song that makes you tilt your head back and just vibe out or you do that small head bang and make a mild stank face.

Either way this is a song that anyone can vibe with, it appeals to many people on many different levels. Pariz is an artist you don’t want to miss out on and “Someone To Forget” is a must hear song.

Written by Jaye Maverick



