“Adrenaline Storm” by Nasmore (feat. Cris Hodges & Beaux)

It may seem as though we will never get out of this pandemic, and while that is unknown, Canadian-based artist Nasmore is letting people know that everything will be okay through the single “Adrenaline Storm,” which features Cris Hodges and Beaux. By blending rap with alternative rock, Nasmore blesses the world with an epic motivational piece that will more than likely touch many people’s lives.

Combine a strong instrumentation presence along with impactful lyrics to get a moving song such as “Adrenaline Storm.” Its dramatic sound is alluring, leaving the listener hanging on the edge of their seat. The well-composed track comprises melodic keys, energetic beats, and distorted guitar parts that blend perfectly. For such a powerful song, the vocals and lyrics need to match, as well — and they did! Hodges sings with passion and power in his vocals and the rapping elevates the song’s seriousness. 

“Adrenaline Storm” is the perfect song to listen to, especially since it’s a new year and we are still in a pandemic and have limits on our social life. Despite the chaos and the worries, the track reminds us that everything will be alright and to keep hanging in there.

Nasmore didn’t fail to impress his listeners and came into the new year with a banger. The track is a double single, an instrumental version is available for those to stream. If this is your first time hearing about Nasmore, you can check out more of his work on all music streaming platforms!

Written by Taylor Berry