
“Survival” by Simon Taylor

A beautiful glimpse into Taylor’s personal struggles and mesmerising songwriting talent, “Survival” hooks you from the opening songs first chords to the final track’s stunning ending, with gorgeous instrumentation, lyricism and signature Simon Taylor richness.

It’s hard to put into words how concise and poetically arranged this EP is. From its strong amount of songs (but not too strong), clever runtimes and perfectly sequenced tracks, “Survival” flows effortlessly. The opening track grabs you immediately with its emotion and serene guitar playing. Taylor really bares his heart on this single, letting it lie bare over his captivating lyrics. The EP rolls into “Bad Times Are Through” before you know it and by the third track you’re hooked, gliding along happily for the 20 minutes. “Going Home” is a tremendous finale, allowing the record to phase out in style and grace after capturing our hearts for 20 minutes straight.

This EP is deeply rooted in Taylor’s personal struggles yet it’s easily one of the most accesible new records of 2022, with relatable cadences and lush but simple production. The guitar work on display is easily some of Taylor’s most endearing and soulful, which is saying something if you’re familiar with his previous songs.

Taylor spoke on the EP below:

This e.p is centred on the theme of mental health issues. I was diagnosed with a mental health issue in 2000 but nonetheless have been able over the last ten years to record and perform my music both solo and with my former bands. “Survival” frankly describes how it is to live with a mental health condition in the title track and also the recent single “Angel Of Mercy”. However, this e.p also offers hope and the promise of a better life through songs such as “Our Crazy Dream” and “Bad Times Are Through”. E.p closer “Going Home” offers a relaxed counterpoint to this emotional subject matter by offering a calming Latin ballad that brings the record to a peaceful conclusion.

A triumphant achievement for the upcoming singer songwriter, “Survival” exhibits all of Simon Taylor’s most endearing and electrifying qualities, while branching into new territories with grace and maturity. A captivating ride from start to finish, “Survival” is one of indie’s most exciting new releases that’s available to stream now. Check it out!

Written by Ciarán Coleman





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