
“rsm SMiLE” by Fanchon

Personable and high-energy vocals easily guide “rsm SMiLE” through its different moods. This latest release by the French rockstar Fanchon shows off all the best Fanchon has to offer. Heavy rock instrumentals support vocals that are as sweet as honey. Contrasting and complementing one another phenomenally, this latest release kicks ass.

The energy of “rsm SMiLE” was huge. Powerful and dissonant guitars provide an excellent atmosphere for the cool vocals to soar. What impressed me most was the contrast between the different moods. Fanchon played sweet, catchy melodies as easily as the thick and chaotic parts. Despite the drastically different moods, everything happened seamlessly. One minute the whole band was playing, and the next only a voice or two yet it never felt or sounded jarring.
This whole release is like a journey. With blistering highs and cavernous lows, the different moods Fanchon captured were entertaining and beautiful. The type of song that has you thinking about it all day, whether it’s stuck in your head or not. No one voice was more important than any other, allowing every detail to be heard. I loved how easily the song found its groove and also how easily they moved away from it. It all felt rock-steady but never locked into one groove or mood. Instead, when you think you know what is going to happen next the band surprises you with something new. Not only does it show off the raw talent that went into making “rsm SMiLE”, but also the band’s discipline and dedication to the overarching mood.

“rsm SMiLE” by Fanchon is available now on any major streaming services.


Written by Tyler Roberts



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