
“Postcards” by Sneakthief

Sneakthief is a twopiece that consists of Daniel Palmer who is the frontman/rhythm guitarist, Joe Fradette on drums and “touring member” Adam Rich as the bassist. Sneakthief takes a turn from folk punk to a more polished and produced folk pop rock. Postcards was recorded and mixed by Daniel Palmer in his second bedroom turned studio. It was recorded at the height of the pandemic, Sneakthief collaborated digitally to record the two track single.

“Postcards” came into Daniel’s mind after his father passed away in June of 2020. He immediately started writing and producing the two track single “Postcards”. According to Daniel, it is a deep dive into the grief and turmoil of losing a parent, as well as being locked inside trying to figure out how to handle it. He says that both tracks are letters to himself in an attempt to process the grief and anger of my father’s passing.

“Yellowstone” is about the anger and turmoil of handling death but realizing it’s all around us, even in the places we expect to find peace. With the pandemic in our lives some of us may have experienced death more than before. “Yellowstone” is a wholesome song about just wanting to be outside in nature. It makes you smile and forget your worries. You may shed a couple tears, that tends to happen when you let go.

Sneakthief does an amazing job with “Yellowstone” because they make you feel normal for not being in control. The instrumental solo gives you the opportunity to breathe and let out any and all emotions.

The last song on “Postcards” is “Barnegat” which features the immediate reaction and confusion of a life-flipping event like losing a parent. No one really prepares you for that and even if you are prepared, it doesn’t make it any easier. Daniel reels you in with his guitar then shortly after, he vocally comes in and takes you on a journey.

Sneakthief is making songs about real issues that might be hard to talk about but when you hear Daniel singing about it, it makes you feel less alone. Although the songs are sad lyrically they are upbeat in tune and that helps you focus on different emotions. Sneakthief is a band that you don’t want to miss out on.

“I think “Postcards” is a logical progression for us, from a less produced folk punk style to a more polished folk pop rock, and I’m really excited about that. It’s effective at telling the story I wanted to tell and means a lot to me personally. We have a large backlog of songs and this is a really great stepping stone to what we want to do with those future releases.” – Daniel Palmer

Written by Jaye Maverick

Photo Credits: Emily Barbus



