
“Marik” by Jozie_ramone

Lord Jozie aka Jozie_ramone is a solo artist from good ole Los Angeles, California. Lord Jozie is a guitarist at heart turned producer, rapper and does some engineering. The ever so popular artist has released another new single “Marik”, and with it only being a week old, it already has almost three thousand listeners. Clearly Jozie is doing something right.

Depression is a bitch. There is nothing fun about it, no one goes around wishing they were depressed or smiling about having depression. The truth of the matter is, it sucks. “Marik” was written because life kicking Lord Jozie’s ass so he decide to put it in song format hoping someone could relate to it so they don’t feel as bad as he did going through it.

“Marik” is a relatable song that anyone can understand, it’s a song for all ages and generations. When an artist makes you feel less alone, you can’t help but to love them. Soon after listening to “Marik” you will want to obsess over Jozie_ramone and play all of his songs, that is something you won’t regret.

You can keep up with all things Lord Jozie, by following his socials and maybe you can catch him at a live show.

“There is no time to mourn -Thanos”

Written by Jaye Maverick

Photo Credits: BadKaleb




Official Website