“All Time Is Borrowed Time” by Dream of a Man in a Top Hat

Dream of a Man in a Top Hat is a duo from Boston, the two piece consist of Lee Leffler who is the guitarist, vocalist, lyricists and plays the keys, the other part of Dream of a Man in a Top Hat is drummer, bassist, percussionist, keyboardist Michael Frackleton, he also contributes to the vocals and lyrics. The duo says their music is equal parts psychedelic, post punk, and alternative rock.

“All Time Is Borrowed Time” is the latest release from the band, the self explanatory title is a song for the ages. The grittiness mixed with the funk makes you want to do a stank face and bob your head. The song is unique, weird and fun all in one, the drums keep the vibe calm while the keys hype it up and make it more psychedelic.

With a name like Dream of a Man in a Top Hat you should have already known that this band would blow your mind, and bring something different to the table. “All Time Is Borrowed” is a song that you will keep thinking about, a song that will stay in your head long after it’s done.

Dream of a Man in a Top Hat has done it again by making yet another song that you can’t help but to fall in love with.

Written by Jaye Maverick




Official Website