
“GOOD” by Onbar

When you press play on “GOOD” by Onbar, there are less than 15 seconds of music that opens the door and welcomes you in. It’s hard to tell in those few moments where the song is going to go but once the vocals kick in, you know all too well that you’re in for a good time. 

“GOOD” is one of those songs that comes across as timeless both in sound and content. You could play this song 10, 20 years from now and it’d still resonate with anyone who has ever been infatuated with someone and knew with every fiber in their being that they were the best match for said person. 

The confidence in both the words and the delivery take this song to the next level, but we must also shine a light on the music. It’s pop music that doesn’t date itself. It could’ve been a song from the ‘90s or ‘00s just as much as it’s a song from today. Although, there are moments where everything comes together and you feel like it could’ve been on a compilation record back in the ‘80s with the likes of Prince, and George Michael. That type of music that blends the beauty of pop with sensual human nature. 

Onbar has been releasing music for those who like a little soul and class in their pop since 2020’s “MANIAC.” The San Jose-based artist has been consistent with almost a dozen releases since. This year Onbar has been on a roll, dropping “BABY BLUE” followed by his latest, “GOOD.” To hear all of the above and more, make sure to check out Onbar on all major music and streaming sites today. 

Written by Kendra Beltran

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