
“Same Old Song” by Imlazarus

Coming out the gate with a genre of his own, Minneapolis based singer-songwriter Imlazarus has released his ragtime punk rock song “Same Old Song.” Imlazarus did not always play music, he picked up a guitar at age 17. Since then, he has done international tours and been on the same bill as Dave Matthews, Willie Nelson, and more! In 2016 he was nominated for “Album of The Year” and “Single of The Year” at the Independent Music Awards.

“Same Old Song” is playful commentary on performing for weddings and how certain songs are expected to be played again and again. Imlazarus does an excellent job setting the scene “well the bells in the sky they will be ringing / they’ll be tying the knot before too long.” The ragtime feel gives the song that “tongue-in-cheek” sound. Imlazarus is a strong and clever lyricist. During his years writing, he has been able to find a real voice and capture classic, relatable stories.

It is interesting to listen to a fun, narrated story about people less thought about at a wedding: the band. The repetition of the melody helps point out that hook of how the band constantly plays the same song. No matter what happens you can expect that to happen. The drums and horns are a great addition to the song and emphasize that full band feeling.

When talking about the inspiration for the song Imlazarus shared, “it’s a tongue-in-cheek ragtime commentary on weddings and how musicians are an afterthought. You can’t go wrong with the same old song people know and love. ‘Now play it again, I was in the bathroom!’”

So go listen to this song for a new perspective at a wedding

Reviewed by Katie Power

Photos by Allan Towne for background1



