
“Sour Grapes” by Maya Yenn

“Sour Grapes” by Maya Yenn is a relatable, diverse, textural pop paragon. Shaped with crisp precision, this track utilizes space and time with efficiency, creativity, and ultimately massive potential to satisfy. Plus, the lyrics hit home for pretty much any young adult in a creative field–or any field for that matter. This song accurately explores the disappointment and perceived urgency of not feeling like you’ve achieved enough. We all know that strange twinge of guilt, so it’s a cathartic treat to hear it so elegantly packaged as a piece of music.

The intro consists of a covered guitar progression followed by a video-game-like flourish of synths. “Supposed to be on top now / Supposed to have it all figured out now,” Maya croons, her voice clear and tinged with a soft intensity. Pithy percussion and fast keyboard twinkles decorate the background. As the pre-chorus and chorus roll around, harmonies billow up with this tight, solid fullness. The hook is catchy, embodying the best aspects of repetitiveness and freshness. Every time it reoccurs, it has the same wonderfully climactic effect.

Stay tuned for some unique sound design, including but not limited to, well-placed white noise/sound effects, vocal effects, and colorful textures. Top it off with a nice broken-down bridge, and you’ve got a dynamically sound pop masterpiece. Be sure to give Maya Yenn a listen, a follow, and a download! Her style is effortlessly cool, and her music takes on a distinctive yet accessible atmosphere. “Sour Grapes” is one of many fantastic songs.

Written by Alyce Lindberg



