
“The Real World” by Will Spencer

The UK’s Will Spencer is starting his new project strong with the first of twelve singles, “The Real World,” a personal outlook on mental health and the beauty of everyday life. We take the mundane things in life for granted: the blue sky, the birds chirping, the green grass. These are all things we may not stop to think about, but Spencer takes these simple things in life to discuss the need to “seek wonder and beauty in a life that’s all too often complex.” With all this in mind, “The Real World” is also ultra-catching and thrilling to listen to. Spencer’s theatrical yet pure and straightforward vocals and the pop-rock vibe of the song are something that anyone will enjoy, no matter your genre preference is.

The UK’s Will Spencer is starting his new project strong with the first of twelve singles, “The Real World,” a personal outlook on mental health and the beauty of everyday life. We take the mundane things in life for granted: the blue sky, the birds chirping, the green grass. These are all things we may not stop to think about, but Spencer takes these simple things in life to discuss the need to “seek wonder and beauty in a life that’s all too often complex.” With all this in mind, “The Real World” is also ultra-catching and thrilling to listen to. Spencer’s theatrical yet pure and straightforward vocals and the pop-rock vibe of the song are something that anyone will enjoy, no matter your genre preference is.

Spencer’s music is reminiscent of old-time singers but also gives us a snippet of what listeners can expect from the upcoming twelve songs. His vocals are remindful of modern singers such as Bastille but simultaneously bring his fresh new take on the pop-rock genre. I for one am excited to see what is to come from Will Spencer in the upcoming year, and so is his dedicated fanbase that he has created with his sincere outlook on life and mental health.

Take a listen to “The Real World” today, out on all major music streaming platforms. Be on the lookout for his upcoming music as well, as Will Spencer is going to be having a very busy, and successful year. 

Written by Melissa Cusano





