“Bright Side” by MKX

“Bright Side” by MKX is simply the epitome of energy. With each crisp electronic drum hit or clever, relatable lyric, this track blossoms into a dance-pop masterpiece. Even with the layers of sparkling, meticulous production, MKX’s personality bleeds through, giving us the perfect intersection between commercial and organic goodness. If you need a song that’ll brighten up your day, you couldn’t do better than this one.

The song begins with a covered, reverb-drenched version of one of the many vocal hooks. Synths swell in the background, eventually culminating in a heavy bass and drum groove. “Ah, ah / Not me stuck up in a mood / Ah, ah / Not me thinking you are too,” MKX sings with a sultry, powerful timbre. As the song moves forward, new instrumental textures layer in, each adding its own rhythmic value. The song itself is quite fast, resulting in this frenetic, busy, dance-able atmosphere.

By the time the chorus kicks in, fuzzy synths envelop the mix. It has this sort of nostalgic, mid-2000s sound, invoking the Black Eyed Peas but with a few modern twists. The melody is so catchy you’ll be unable to forget it. It’s doubtlessly a pop song for the ages and a brilliant display of production, performance, and writing.

Be sure to give MKX a follow and a listen and your choice of social media platform or streaming service! He might just be your new favorite pop artist, and “Bright Side” will most definitely be your summer anthem.

Written by Alyce Lindberg


