
“Glitter with a Vengeance” by NYRE

“Glitter with a Vengeance” by NYRE is a melancholy pop-rock song full of beautifully cultivated synth sounds and genre-bending instrumentation. As you float through the copious rhythms, textures, and dynamic changes, the lyrics describe a bygone, fraught relationship. If you’re into a little vengeful, anthemic break-up song, this one will doubtlessly blow you away.

“I hate / That you always brought out the worst in me / I blame / Myself for getting too close,” NYRE’s breathy vocals drift from note to note effortlessly. Ethereal, dreamy synths make up the harmony so far, defining chords but keeping the rhythm amorphous. As the verse continues, however, delicate pulses start to set the stage for a driving groove. Without a single drum sound, the verse swells from intimate to dramatic. The chorus on the other hand brings quick-fire bass and crisp snaps in the first half, and deep, distorted metal guitar in the second half. The darkness of the electric guitar infuses the lyrics with a bit more urgency. It’s a delightful surprise and a smart way to keep an electronic song interesting.

The rest of the song maintains these elements, but with a busy trap beat. NYRE’s vocal performance also gradually goes from airy to powerful and belted. The arc of this song is quite frankly unmatched. So, if this sounds like it may be up your alley, give it a stream and a download on your choice of streaming service! You’ll doubtlessly continue to be impressed by NYRE’s musicianship and style.

Written by Alyce Lindberg


