“Round & Round (Tiësto Remix)” by Allegra and Tiësto

“Round & Round (Tiësto Remix)” by Allegra and Tiësto is an absolutely electric, energetic pop track. Pop music tends to lean on two pillars: dynamic power and melody. This track excels at both. Not only is the production brimming with dramatic synths and rhythmically gratifying percussion, but the writing solidifies the song as memorable. Allegra and Tiësto came together to create something wildly unique, special, and overall brilliant.

It begins with a swarm of echoing vocals. A synth gently swells in the background, intimating the beginning of a verse: “You said / You just need a little time away / My head / Telling me it’s time to walk away.” Allegra’s smooth, clear vocals fit the atmosphere perfectly. The lyrics are also indicative of some serious skill, as they subtly incorporate rhyme, syntax, and undeniable control of language. More drums and synths pile in as the song continues, creating a lovely anticipatory build toward the chorus.

The chorus arrives with a heavy dose of bass and background vocals. There’s a deep fullness to the sound that only a masterful producer could invoke. It’s incredibly grounded and rhythmic, just like a good chorus should be. While the hook repeats, you’re immersed in the effortless, groovy momentum of the song.

Stay tuned for even more production tricks and a dramatic ending. If you’re looking for a summery song to get you excited for a night out or a road trip, you couldn’t do better than this one. Give Allegra and Tiësto a follow on your choice of social media, and make sure to stream “Round & Round!”

Written by Alyce Lindberg



