“With a Gasp that Reached to the Sky” by Storm Boy

Looking for music that is reminiscent of 90s punk bands but has a modern twist? Listen to post-hardcore band Storm Boy’s latest EP, “With a Gasp that Reached to the Sky.” Consisting of four hard-hitting tracks with both complex and alternative rock elements, Storm Boy’s unique sound is guaranteed to get you dancing while listening to the rather compelling lyrics about time and mortality simultaneously. 

“With a Gasp that Reached to the Sky” starts with the non-compromising opening, “Full Orca,” with a fun and addicting melody, along with scream-like vocals remindful of the early days of bands like Blink-182 or Bad Religion. The White Gladis attacks influenced “Full Orca”, giving a subtle nod to always fighting back for your space. Following “Full Orca” is “Plosivs,” showcasing lead singer Chas Roberts’ raspy, powerful vocals. This song goes along with the overall melancholic theme of time, which is juxtaposed with the upbeat instrumental. 

Next is “From Your Mouth…”, which has a much less intense and blunt feel like the other tracks, having more of a soft-punk/grunge ambience. The meaning behind this song is heavy as well, inspired by a close friend of Chas Roberts’ battle with dementia and how they feel “unstuck in time.” One can hear the emotion in Roberts’ voice as he discusses taboo topics such as death and the absence of memory.

“The Steam in the Room” is the ultimate conclusion to the EP, with an mezmerising melody consisting of efficacious drumming and guitar. According to the group, “The Steam in the Room” is a “post-apocalyptic love song” that encourages listeners to “…carry the fire through a post-apocalyptic wasteland until it either burns them up and they become like the stars in the sky or it combines with others, like water.”

“With a Gasp that Reached to the Sky” was recorded in Olympia, Washington, between July and November 2023 at Titan Recording Studio. The EP was engineered, mixed, and mastered by Scot Michael. Storm Boy consists of Chas Roberts on lead vocals and guitar, Jeremy Anderson on drums and backing vocals, and Jackson Portwood on bass.

Written by Melissa Cusano




