
“Haunted” by Eddie King and ReBoot

With their biggest year on the horizon, Georgia based rock group Eddie King and ReBoot has released their new single “Haunted,” available everywhere now. The group is made up of lead singer Eddie King, guitarist Brian Wilson, and drummer Kevin Blocksom. Quickly gaining traction, Eddie King and ReBoot saw a large amount of success from their first single “Fallen,” hitting 1000 followers across platforms.

“Haunted” has a rich, electric sound right out the gate. The band prides itself for its nod to a new era of bluesy rock, perfectly showcasing that sound throughout the track. The minute long introduction to the song builds tension and allows the group to highlight the instrumentals before the story even begins. The choice of a five-minute track as a single is unique as songs get shorter, Eddie King and ReBoot stick to highlighting the art that music is. King’s vocals are unique and passionate, his voice beautifully blends with the rest of the track.

Lyrically, the song walks through the singer feeling haunted by the ghosts of his past. In the chorus King sings, “I can’t this wire any longer my lord / I need my faith crystal clear / the demons that I keep / these are the secrets that I fear / I need your love lord / and I need it here.” The song makes many religious references, showing that the narrator feels lost and in need of some sort of guidance.

Overall, the band has a distinct sound and clear chemistry, carving out a space in the bluesy rock sound. So if you have not listened to “Haunted” by Eddie King and ReBoot – go check it out!

Written by Katie Power




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