Review & Interview: “In The Quiet” by Thomas Geelens

In The Quiet, Thomas Geelens, single, song, music, music review, review

Thomas Geelens’ “In the Quiet” is a beautifully introspective indie track that draws you into its serene world.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Geelens combines warm acoustic guitar picking with silky piano chords and vibrant electric guitar elements, adding rich layers of color to the song.

It’s a peaceful reflection on the loneliness that settles in after a relationship ends, inviting listeners to delve into the quiet moments of reminiscing and emotional processing.

“In the Quiet” is a soothing journey through solitude, perfect for those moments of contemplation and calm.


Q&A with Thomas Geelens


Q: By the way, I must say that “On My Mind” is my jam! So, thank you for that.

Anyway, “In the Quiet” was personally complicated to listen to because I went through something similar with my ex-fiancé. Hearing you say the truth about what happens in the quiet after losing someone you love was difficult. So, what was the process like with writing the lyrics and putting instruments to it?

THOMAS GEELENS: Shortly after my ex of 6 years moved out, I was walking around my house and thought how weird it was not to hear somebody else make noise in the home. Immediately the ‘sometimes In the quiet, I have no choice, sometimes in the quiet, I still hear your voice’ came pouring out of me.

I grabbed my acoustic guitar and let the song take me wherever; it took about 20 minutes to write it. After that, I started the recording by tracking the acoustic guitar and vocals so I would have a “home base” with which to work. From that point on, I just started adding layers that I felt made sense; the song has just what it needs.


Q: What does listening to the song do to you?

THOMAS: It transports me back to that version of me that had to learn to do things on his own again; it’s a time capsule. I also think it’s just a beautiful song that I’m able to listen to as a ‘listener’ and not just as the creator.


Q: What do you want others to take from listening to it?

THOMAS: That even though the quiet is real, getting used to the stillness is real. There’s a reason something has ended, and that’s okay. [Those] promises made before the breakup are sometimes just bandaids and not viable plans. My favorite part is that I start the song with, “I still hear your voice,” and end with, “I still say your name.”


Q: You’ve released many other tracks, like “Universe” (another one of my faves), “Stupid Decisions,” “Maybe (Lovers Back to Friends),” and “Off My Mind.” You’ve also worked with Honest Regrets a lot. What’s it like working with him?

THOMAS: Thank you! Those three songs are some of my personal “deep-cut favorites,” haha, so I’m happy you like them! Honest Regrets is a project that I founded with my friend Rowan Smeets. We’re both a half of “Honest Regrets.” It’s a great outlet for other types of songs that still have the depth and semi-autobiographical nature that I love.


Q: Are you working towards an album?

THOMAS: Not an ‘album’ in the traditional sense, but I am in the process of setting up—and executing—multiple “projects”; you heard it here first!

  • Releasing the last song in the “Sunsets & Thunderstorms” EP/Collection called “Piece Of Me.”
  • Create alternative versions of my existing songs like I did with “You Won.” –> “You Won” (On Piano & Guitar) or “No Reason” –> “No Reason (Reprise).” Some songs that are going to get this treatment are “2016 (Seattle),” “All We Could,” “Universe,” “In The Quiet,” and “She’s Got The (Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair).”
  • Launch Season 2 of my podcast Thomas… Talk To Us, where I go in-depth on more recent songs of mine.
  • Playing more live shows; I’ll be playing in Newcastle in October, and I’m planning on visiting LA in 2025.
  • Doing more covers of my songs with Golden Hour Motel.
  • Doing more LOFI covers of my songs with LOFiLIKE.
  • Start another “EP/Collection” project with songs that fit into the “Maybe (Lovers Back To Friends)” narrative, some teaser titles: “Tell Me,” “Still In Love,” and “Hope.”
  • I still want to make something that I call a “dream country pop” album.

And loads more in terms of content, branding, etc! Still figuring a lot out.


Q: What are your hobbies outside of music?

THOMAS: I’m big into roller coasters and theme parks! Besides that, I love sports: working out, hiking, biking, etc. And, of course, the classics: Movies, books, tv shows, the usual!


Q: Who is Thomas Geelens?

THOMAS: Somebody who’s also asking himself the same question every day and invites everyone to come along with him for the ride. Or, to put it more philosophically: “Hopeful Heart & Melancholic Mind.”


Interviewed and Written by Taylor Berry










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