“Aphrodite“ by J0VANNA

“Aphrodite” by J0VANNA is a dreamy indie pop track that blends fluid melodies of R&B with modern pop rhythms to create a captivating sound that showcases J0VANNA’s unique artistry. This track is an ode to loving yourself, with inspiring sentiments about body positivity, as well as important reminders that the perfectionist culture fostered by social media and the beauty industry creates impossible beauty standards that you should not try to live up to. In the end, honoring the body you have is the most rewarding form of self-love you can practice.

“Aphrodite” is the Greek goddess of love and beauty, and J0VANNA values this mythical meaning of beauty far more than anything influencers and companies try to define beauty as. Lines like “Aphrodite, she has taught me my body is perfect, it’s a deity” drive home the idea that bodies are not meant to be commodities. Rather, each body is a unique deity worthy of love, no matter how it may or may not fit within the confines of modern beauty standards. 

Warm, enveloping bass, a steady rhythm, and a passionate vocal performance backed by ambient ad libs create an invigorating sonic landscape that allow the impactful lyrics to really land. We all can accidentaly fall victim to caring too much about online trends, and this song seeks to remind us that most of what we see online is fake. Comparing yourself to photoshopped bodies or fabricated personalities is sure to ruin your self-esteem, and working to remember that all of it is unrealistic is a sure way to strengthen your love for yourself.


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