“Tell ‘Em“ by Terry Blade

“Tell ‘Em” by Terry Blade is an invigorating blend of blues and roots music, where the swaying rhythm and meaningful storytelling is all that is needed to bring the listener into the emotions of the song and immerse them in the narrative. Terry Blade is a talented singer-songwriter currently based in Chicago, who vulnerably displays his identity and personal experiences in his songs. With a soulful, intimate vocal performance, “Tell ‘Em” makes you hold your breath, anticipating what feelings Blade will bring to each new line.

A lone electric guitar provides both rhythm and melody to this song, offering intrigue with fluid solos and grounding with steady chords. The meandering, natural melodies of the vocal captivate the listener. Though the melodies follow the same general pattern, the unpredictable variations in the vocal performance entrance the listener and have you hanging onto each syllable. Blade sings about his indignance towards “the system,” and his discontent with the way the confines of modern society harm some people in order to uphold oppressive systems that need to be killed off. His warnings gradually get more intense, saying “tell my sister to stay strong,” then “tell my brother, always watch your back,” and finally “tell my people I will die for them, just so they can be free of the system.” 

Blade’s willingness to offer up all of himself in the pursuit of change is a raw and honest look into his personality and values. The bluntness of the lyrics and the resolve in his vocals make “Tell ‘Em” a poignant and moving track.



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