“More Than You“ by Lucas Player

“More Than You” by Lucas Player is an atmospheric and emotional soft rock track, with mournful piano, staticky ambience, and captivating filtered vocals. Formerly known as Kibishi, Player has been off grid from the music scene for several years. He chose an impactful way to return with “More Than You,” an introspective and gripping song that lures the listener into the landscape and inevitably makes their soul ache. 

The uniquely textured piano is a stand out element of “More Than You,” providing both rhythm and melody to the arrangement. The unrelenting waltz of these melodies match the inescapable emotions Player seems to be experiencing, always there, swirling around, just enchanting enough that you never want it to end. The production of this song becomes more dense as it goes one, with swaying drums being introduced and increasing the tension, and later woeful strings join the choir and pull at your heartstrings.

This track is lyrically sparse, but each line is impactful, and the filtered, echoing vocals match the soundscape of the production perfectly. The opening line is “I broke up with the sun, I’ve had enough,” a poetic way to express the next line of the song, “I want to go to sleep.” The stark imagery of breaking up with the sun tells the listener Player is wanting to quit life, ignore the realities of the day, and sink into the alternate reality of an eternal night. Though we don’t know the exact narrative behind why he is feeling this way, most of us can probably relate in some way to that hopeless feeling of just wanting life to pause and let us sleep.



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