“Nothing Else Matters“ by Kerian von Heyden

“Nothing Else Matters” by Kerian von Heyden, a talented artist based in Germany, is a creative cover of this song by Metallica. The original track is full of heavy rock sounds, and von Heyden merges this genre with his own electronic style in his version. Through every arrangement change and modernized take, though, the heart of the original song is never lost. The sweeping, detailed production, along with the passionate vocals from Jaki Nelson, show the extreme care that was put into the song in order to offer a fresh take on the song while paying homage to the genius of the original.

Metallica’s version of “Nothing Else Matters” opens with a plucked acoustic guitar that slowly becomes more intricate until the full rock sound slams in. Intense drums, thrumming bass, and subtle moving textures lay down an arrangement with a simultaneously live and ambient feel, with a gritty vocal building on top of it throughout the song. Kerian von Heyden keeps the original heart of the intro guitar and wraps it with unique synth textures and a steady modern beat. 

This version of “Nothing Else Matters” replaces much of the live band sound with enveloping synth landscapes, providing buzzing synth chords and swooshing ambience instead of electric guitar solos and banging drums. With this approach to the song, von Heyden offers a soundscape for the listener to really sink into, and hear the lyrics in a new way. Lines like “never opened myself this way, life is ours, we live it our way” stand out a little more among the hypnotizing arrangement of this track.


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