“Motivation” by Flavor Wave

“Motivation” is an eclectic and riveting rock song with a funky groove. Flavor Wave, a Philadelphia based band made up of five childhood friends, merges unique sonic textures with classic rock rhythms to cultivate a sound that is uniquely them. Steady muted drums and warbling guitar textures lay the backbone for the sonic journey, which has a satisfying ebb and flow from start to finish. Lyrically, “Motivation” offers just that, providing an inspiring perspective for people who are unhappy with the way they are living their lives. Flavor Waves fights against the monotony of comfort, seeking change no matter how intimidating it may be.


Lyrics like “why bother if it doesn’t make a difference” and “time is moving faster by the day” set the scene for the existential crisis that “Motivation” is trying to solve. Lost in the repetitiveness of your life, it can be easy to slip into a routine, or a personality, that you’re not actually happy with. It takes a lot of work to grow and make changes in your life, but if you’re unhappy, the change is not only worth it, but vital. This song shows the narrator coming to this realization, singing “I don’t wanna play this game, I don’t wanna stay the same” as he becomes more comfortable with the idea of change, and more determined to do so.

The rise and fall in the arrangement throughout the track gives the listener sparse, riveting moments full of anticipation, followed by satisfying moments of intense energy. The somewhat unpredictable arrangement mirrors the unpredictability of change, but it feels so good in the song that it makes change in real life feel more exciting.  





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