“Up Till Dawn” by CS Hellman

CS Hellman, singer, guitarist, Rising Artists, music blog, Up Til Dawn, song, single

“Up Til Dawn,” an ardent alt-country, indie rock tune written by Nashville (formerly Chicago) musician and guitar enthusiast CS Hellman, hit music streaming platforms last month.

In an interview with Obscure Sound, Hellman explicated “Up Til Dawn” arose from a lawsuit he engaged in with a contractor, the thousands of dollars pouring into it disrupting his thoughts and impeding his right to sleep.

Incredibly, Hellman’s anxiety and restlessness in the song are quite contagious due to the eerie harmonizing backing vocals and the dark underlying tones. The recurring “I can’t sleep” and the bloodcurdling “dancing with the devil to make ends meet” lines affirm his internal and external struggles — each lyric feeding this image of Hellman teetering on the edge of defeat.

Edgy verses evoke a feeling of being lost and wandering a crowded forest, hoping for some clearing. They build to the choruses, supplying an airy atmosphere. 

Around the 2:44 mark and to the end, Hellman unleashes a tasty and zealous guitar solo, abating the anticipation.

“Up Til Dawn” is an incredible record produced beautifully. It’s remarkable how every aspect of the track draws out Hellman’s emotions and mindset from when he wrote it. It was brave of him to become candid during a rough time and publicize such personal matters to the world. Undoubtedly, listeners and our blog readers will enjoy it.

Check out “Up Til Dawn” on your preferred music streaming platforms. Be sure to follow CS Hellman on all social media platforms and tell him what you think of his music.

Written by Taylor Berry





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